iMax Hair Salon and Barber Shop
Call or visit 289-588-5380 Visit Today

Your reviews and recommendations are the biggest compliments for our hair salon.

If you enjoyed your experience at iMax Hairstyling Salon, please leave a rating and review on Google. This allows more people to visit our salon and helps us improve our business.


Write a Review on Google

  1. Open our iMax Salon on Google Maps
  2. Click on “reviews”
  3. Click “Write a Review”.
  4. In the window that appears, click the stars to score the place. If you want, you can also write a review.


Write a Review on Facebook

  1. Open our Facebook page:
  2. Click Reviews on the left side of the page.
  3. Click the gray stars to choose a rating. You can also write a review.
  4. Click Done.


Write a Review on Yelp

  1. Open our Yelp page:
  2. Click “Write a Review” button.